Tag: technology


Luca & Friends is the First Educational App for Kids using AI Technology to Combine Learning and Fitness

App gets kids moving with fun, immersive educational games covering topics in English and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)  New Delhi (India), Feburary 28: The World Health Organization recommends 60 minutes of exercise daily, yet 76% of American kids are falling short of that goal. To help families, schools and out-of-school time programs address this issue in today’s tech-driven world, the health and fitness company GOFA has launched Luca & Friends, a new ground-breaking app that uses AI (artificial intelligence) technology to get kids moving through fun, immersive educational games. Luca & Friends is the first app of its kind to combine learning and fitness via cutting-edge AI motion technology. Designed for kids ages 4-8, the app provides an interactive learning...

Press conference by Dr Natraj Suryawanshi, Toska Crypto Academy; Appeals to Indians for Learning before Investing in Crypto

Mumbai, February 26: Nowadays, everyone wants to invest in cryptocurrency like they do in the stock market. But fluctuations in the market and inadequate knowledge stop people from investing in cryptocurrency, also called crypto. Cryptocurrency may be a good alternative or balancing asset to cash, which may devalue due to inflation over time. Crypto is an asset that people invest in and have found that it yields very high returns. Investing in cryptocurrencies over the long run can be rewarding. But, it is critical that you gain knowledge about the market before you invest in it. During an interview, Crypto expert and consultant, Mr. Natraj Suryawanshi has shared his expert knowledge about cryptocurrency. Mr. Natraj Suryawanshi, the Founder of Toska Technologies and currently its CEO, has ...

Meet This Inspiring Young Woman Scientist from India

October 30: Gone are the days when everything was manual and super slow. Digitization has made life easy, and the contribution of Artificial Intelligence is worth appreciating. Thanks to AI and Machine Learning, one can now quickly finish their mundane tasks. Do you want to reach millions of customers with just a few clicks? Take the help of AI, and your work is done. Day to day life has become more productive with the use of these path breaking technologies. India is now one of the major hubs of AI leaders and Data Scientists. But when one ponders on these terms, most people mistake it to be a male-dominated field. We often forget that this era is challenging these gender stereotypes. India has a number of brilliant and successful women data scientists and AI leaders. Dr Samiya Khan is a ...