Tag: World Humanitarian Day

Business News, National, Press Release

Say No to Plastic – Theme of Child Help Foundation on the Occasion of World Humanitarian Day

September 13th, 2022, Mumbai: Child Help Foundation (CHF), a Pan India non-profit organization, organized a unique Collection Drive or Say No to Plastic program to celebrate the occasion of World Humanitarian Day. On this day people collected plastic waste that could then be recycled and converted into materials and products for sustainable use. This drive was organized in the third week of August 2022 in Mumbai by Child Help Foundation(CHF). World Humanitarian Day (WHD) takes place every year on a specific theme.According to the United Nations, the theme for this year is to show the importance, effectiveness, and positive impact of humanitarian work. The concept of WHD is based on a famous saying, “It takes a village to raise a child,” It aims at bringing together partners across the hu...